Our Team

Cedric Haas


Passionate about cycling since adolescence and a former Elite rider in the 2000s, Cédric ended his career after a terrible fall. For nearly ten years, sport and cycling were no longer part of his life. Until 2017, following a terrible burn out, his health weakened by stress, overweight and smoking, he decided to take his life back in his own hands and to get back on a bike.

Competitive at heart, he set himself a goal for 2018: GFNY New York, and managed to regain both his passion and his physical condition. After participating in several GFNYs around the world, he wanted to share his experience and passion as a GFNY ambassador in France .

Tiphanie Haas

Tiphanie's focus is on developing and organizing GFNY races in France. This includes race preparation, communication with host cities and athletes, managing production orders and translating GFNY content. If you have a question about any French GFNY, you’ll be talking with her!

Tiphanie studied tourism and has always enjoyed connecting with others, so role that combines beautiful destinations and festive events is a dream come true. Tiphanie is happy to be able to travel and discover new places with her husband, Cedric, and their children and loves the friendly family atmosphere at GFNY. 

Magali Huen

Magali is the administrative "Swiss Army knife" of GFNY France. Passionate about sport, she joined the committee team after her first race as a volunteer. Since then, she's been helping out with volunteer management, administration and race organization at all GFNY France events.
Magali is the one who'll answer all your e-mails, and she'll do her best to do so!

Dominique Rost

Dom is logistics manager, managing GFNY France equipment and supplies. She makes sure that every participant (athlete, staff and volunteer) has everything they need for the best possible experience. She also manages the refreshment stations and helps with the organization and communication thanks to her experience as a graphic designer, participating in the creation of visuals and newsletters.

Clément Marquet

Clément is GFNY France's safety manager. A founding member of the association, he was drawn into the adventure by his passion for first aid. A complete outsider to the world of cycling, he discovered this universe and now appreciates all its facets, from the races to the social events.

If you come along to one of our events, you'll find him at the Race Command tent, or circling around vehicles to fit them out with radio and signaling equipment.

Stéphan Ulrich

Stephan, our truck driver and head of safety moto bikes, has been a cycling enthusiast for many years. He joined the GFNY France adventure right from the start, as one of the founding members of the association.

If you're looking for Stephan, he'll be on Moto No. 1 at the head of the race, managing the safety of the cyclists and coordinating all the motos on the course. It's thanks to Stéphan that we are able to transport all the race equipment across France at once with his beautiful semi-truck in the GFNY colors.

Lidia Fluhme

GFNY co-founder and President Lidia Fluhme is the creator of world's most spectacular start line in cycling, George Washington Bridge. She did not accept 'no' as an answer back in 2010, no matter how often it was voiced. Without the start on GWB, GFNY would not exist. Ever since, Lidia is making sure that you get to ride on closed roads or with police moderated traffic. The 7-time Ironman Hawaii finisher, NYU business school graduate and former Wall Street banker loves a really challenging granfondo, preferably in Italy. She has written a very helpful guide on How To Tackle A GFNY

Uli Fluhme

GFNY co-founder and CEO Uli Fluhme is making sure that all GFNY events are true granfondos in the Italian tradition: you get to have the right of way at each intersection, will be timed start to finish and your result will be based on your time. Uli is a former Wall Street attorney but it is his 20 years of granfondo racing that led to GFNY. He continues to race the toughest granfondos around the world, including all GFNY events. Some of his many visions and ideas make it into GFNY. If he's not working on growing GFNY or racing his bike, Uli is lobbying hard for antidoping. He's a no holds barred voice since 2000 and was key to implement in- and out of competition testing at GFNY. You can discuss antidoping with him on Twitter @ulif.

Matthias van Aken

Matthias is an Elite rider from Belgium who now focuses on racing granfondos because he gets to travel the world. After doing several GFNYs, he joined our team to oversee the GFNY social media, share what you post and keep you motivated and excited. He’s also coordinating our amazing ambassadors, leading GFNY Camps, helping create GFNY videos and much more.

Talía Schürmann

I’m sure you’ve seen Talia, our co-host of the GFNY Gruppo TV show. She's a Mexican-Swiss living in Aguascalientes with a Fashion Design Degree from IED Barcelona, one of the best design schools in the World. Hence, she wears more hats in GFNY than just being the co-host of the show!

Of course Talia is passionate about cycling and loves spending time in the mountains because she grew up in a small mountain town.

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